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ROSKILDE Open-Air-Festival in Denmark! July 6 is also the release date of the new "zeitkratzer plays songs from Kraftwerk 2&1" (vinyl and CD)!


[27/03/2019] zeitkratzer @ ROSKILDE Open-Air-Festival (Denmark), July 6, 2019

zeitkratzer is invited to play at the legendary ROSKILDE Open-Air-Festival in Denmark! July 6 is also the release date of the new "zeitkratzer plays songs from Kraftwerk 2&1" (vinyl and CD)!


The program will include KRAFTWERK-classics from those early forgotten albums Kraftwerk 1 and Kraftwerk 2 and confronts them with zeitkratzer's famous harsh noise: Lou Reed's MetalMachineMusic and pieces composed by Maerzbow and Zbigniew Karkowski. Avantgarde goes Rock'n'Roll!


  • Frank Gratkowski (Clarinets / Berlin)
  • Hayden Chisholm (Saxophone / Belgrade)
  • Hilary Jefferey (Trombone / Berlin))
  • Hild Sofie Tafjord (French Horn / Oslo)
  • Reinhold Friedl (Piano / Vienna)
  • Maurice De Martin (Percussion / Berlin)
  • Lisa Marie Landgraf (Violin / Palermo)
  • Elisabeth Coudoux (Violoncello / Cologne)
  • Ulrich Phillipp (Double Bass / Wiesbaden)
  • Klaus Dobbrick (Sound / Berlin)