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Reinhold Friedl


composer and pianist, director and founder of zeitkratzer. Friedl studied piano with Renate Werner, Alan Marks, and Alexander von Schlippenbach, composition with Mario Bertoncini and Witold Szalonek. As composer and performer more than hundred CD-releases, director of the ensemble zeitkratzer, commissions from Wiener Festwochen, BBC London, the French state, Berliner Festspiele, ZKM Karlruhe, etc.

Numerous articles and radio features on electronic music, especially for WDR Studio elektronische Musik Cologne. Lectures and teaching at University Paris VIII, Berlin UdK, London Goldsmiths University, Musikhochschule Basel, Music University Thessaloniki, a.o.  Guest professor for artistic research/ performance at Katarina Gurska Institute, Madrid, Spain. Reinhold Friedl studied mathematics in Stuttgart, Berlin and Marseille, Ph.D. "Philology of electroacoustic music - Iannis Xenakis electronic music as paradigm", Goldsmiths University London. He lives in Berlin and Vienna and tours worldwide.
