Concert presented by Palais Wittgenstein & Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD.
Zwinglikirche Berlin
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zum Inhalt springenThe great composer, musician and friend Mario Bertoncini passed away this year. zeitkratzer honours this singular spirit with a memorial concert in Berlin.
Concert presented by Palais Wittgenstein & Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD.
Zwinglikirche Berlin
Mario Bertoncini composed for zeitkratzer "Sinfonia - de respiri" and dedicated it to Reinhold Friedl. Bertoncini - founding member of the famous Gruppo Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza with Ennio Morricone and Franco Evangelisti - toured with zeitkratzer among others 2001 to Warsaw (Photo): zeitkratzer performed his wonderful outdoor sound installation "Il cimitéro degli elefanti" for five or more grand pianos - just beside the Chopin monument in front of the orangerie...
The concet program for this memorial will include "Sinfonia - de respiri" performed by zeitkratzer together with the italian ZAUMpercussion and friends from the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Reinhold Friedl will also perform "An American Dream" and there will be a final "Alleluia for Mario Bertoncini"...